Tag: royal

The Best SUSTAIN I’ve Ever Heard!

Wood pickup rings that match the neck, a graphite nut, an ash wood body, a roller bridge, and an electric cobalt blue finish… with matching headstock. There’s a lot of cool poured into this guitar. The part that really impresses me is the sustain though! The notes just never end. This is the Bootlegger Hounder. California based with manufacturing in South Korea. Let’s check this out!

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfN0VFy4ijY”]

How Did I Miss This? – The Bootlegger Guitars Royal

These days, it’s rare for me to discovery a guitar brand that I’ve never heard of before… how did I miss Bootlegger Guitars? Especially considering that they’re based right here in California. The Bootlegger Guitars Royal, features a super cool triple humbucker pickup setup complete with coil splitting on all pickups. 24 frets, with a double locking trem, on a unique looking design… let’s check this out and do a full review!

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=999oPEjR5b0″]