Monthly archives: March, 2024

Coming Up: Guitar MAX Meet and Greet Event (Redondo Beach, CA)

BIG NEWS! The first ever Guitar MAX meet and greet event will be held on April 6th, in Redondo Beach California! 2 – 5pm at the Bootlegger Guitars Store and Lounge! Come on out!


Guitar Max Bootlegger Event 1 Square Sized

Vola Guitars Michael Keene Signature! Green Power!

What do you get when you combine a technical death metal master with Japanese craftsmenship? A high end instrument that’s made to handle the most demanding guitar riffs and face melting solos. This is the Michael Keene signature guitar from Vola Guitars. With Fishman Fluence pickups, a Japanese made Gotoh Floyd Rose style bridge, dark ebony fretboard, 24 frets, and build quality that is second to none. This is the kind of guitar that makes you sound better! Let’s check this out.

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The Firefly Guitars EVH Inspired Super Strat!

I love Firefly Guitars… but they’ve really outdone themselves this time! Mahogany body, roasted maple neck and fretboard, stainless steel rounded ball end frets, locking tuners, a Floyd Rose style trem, AND an incredible EVH inspired paint job! For $269? Get right out of here. This is my new favorite Firefly guitar.


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The Best SUSTAIN I’ve Ever Heard!

Wood pickup rings that match the neck, a graphite nut, an ash wood body, a roller bridge, and an electric cobalt blue finish… with matching headstock. There’s a lot of cool poured into this guitar. The part that really impresses me is the sustain though! The notes just never end. This is the Bootlegger Hounder. California based with manufacturing in South Korea. Let’s check this out!

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