Tag: max carlisle

Collaboration Album With Dean Cascione Coming This Year!

A new, to-be-titled instrumental shred album will be released later this year under the banner of Cascione – Carlisle. This album is a collaboration between guitarists Dean Cascione and Max Carlisle. Below is the first promo image for this upcoming release. The album will be released on physical media as well as digital outlets, and will include music videos.

Cascione - Carlisle Promo 1 Final 2


Checking Up On Harley Benton… Quality…Shipping & More!

I have ordered a pair of guitars from Harley Benton recently and this super affordable Strat type guitar is one of them. With a silky smooth neck and pau ferro fretboard for price that you won’t believe… I’m hoping that Harley Benton is just as good of a value as I remember. I also wanted to test out the current state of shipping from Thomann. Let’s do an unboxing and full test!

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1epMxeVakA”]

NEW Single and Music Video: Storms On The Horizon feat. Deakon Lekross!

This new single and music video is a shred collaboration with virtuoso guitarist Deakon Lekross!

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_Ia_meskAw”]

This track is available on all major digital music platforms!


Max Launch Storms Cover Original with Title small

Flight Training: My Toughest Flight as a Student

This flight has been split into two parts. Part 1 is below, and part 2 can be found through the YouTube video description.

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8kx2SO-3ls”]

Xaviere Guitars from GFS!

With a beautiful maple top, double locking Floyd Rose style trem, a walnut fretboard, and big, tall, polished frets, this Les Paul style guitar from Xaviere is pretty freaking cool. Much more than another cheap Les Paul knock-off, this thing has some amazing tricks up its sleeve! Here’s a full review and demo.

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39Ixv1cPSOM”]


Checkout the guitars HERE

Flight Training with Max – Landing With No Control Tower!

This video is from the new Heavy Metal Horizons channel and features some of Max’s flight training at The Flight Academy at Van Nuys airport. Here Max is working on performing take-offs and landings at non-towered airports! This is at the beautiful, Agua Dulce airport in California.

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB4DF8Airn0″]



New Instructional Video, GUITAR 1988, Released!

Do you want to learn that classic, totally awesome, 1980’s guitar style? Get GUITAR 1988 now and start shredding today!

Return to the days of big hair, T-top camaros, and neverending guitar solos!

This full program includes instructional videos + TABs + Backing Tracks!

This is the latest instructional program from Max Carlisle of the Guitar MAX YouTube channel. This program is designed to develop the techniques and style that defined 1980s guitar playing. Fans of guitarists like George Lynch, Warren Demartini, John Sykes, Paul Stanley, Slash, Glen Tipton, K.K. Downing, Akira Takasaki, Eddie Van Halen, Gary Moore, Michael Schenker, and other iconic 80s guitarists will love this program!

Videos can be downloaded or streamed!

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoyF5qmNSCk”]



Dokken “Tooth and Nail” cover with Deakon Lekross and Fang VonWrathenstein!

Shredder extraordinaire Deakon Lekross has joined forces with Fang VonWrathenstein (Lords of the Trident / Raptor Command), and Guitar MAX, to release a ripping cover of Dokken’s classic track “Tooth and Nail”!


Watch it here:


[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53Tlw5k3ugQ”]



The NEW Wolf S1 – Built For Speed!

The new and heavily upgrade S1 from Wolf Guitars features an incredible blend of maple, walnut, rosewood, and ash in its construction. This neck-through, 24 fret, Floyd Rose Special equipped super-strat is built for speed and ready to shred!


[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vimGPKUsAk”]


Available from All In One Guitars

Max Launches 2nd YouTube Channel: HEAVY METAL HORIZONS

Max has launched a 2nd YouTube channel called Heavy Metal Horizons. This channel will feature videos about aviation and cars, with a heavy metal soundtrack. More specifically, Max has begun flight training to get a pilot’s license and this channel will be used to document his training adventures and progress.

Here’s the video announcing the new channel:

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RIt0rXEdpA”]

Link to the new channel HERE.